Monday, December 30, 2019

Gender Roles Of Early Childhood Development - 932 Words

Gender Roles in Early Childhood Development In a society filled with gender stereotypes, children often adopt gender roles as they move from childhood to adolescence because of the many factors that influence their views to the point they will deny certain roles because it does not fit the gender bias. During the early years, boys and girls will usually be drawn towards gender specific activities. Playing house for example, they little boy will imitate going to work, while the little girl will imitate cooking in the kitchen and playing with the baby doll. Gender stereotypes are embedded in our culture as a social identity giving â€Å"norms† to how gender is defined. This paper is going to discuss the child’s earliest exposure to gender roles in the home from clothing, toys and expectations to society’s role in gender bias on early childhood development. Children learn as early as age two what it means to be a â€Å"boy† or a â€Å"girl† (Aina Cameron). This is described as gender identity, a person’s sense of self as male or female. Gender stereotyping emerges hand in hand with the development of gender identity in Early Childhood (Halim). Gender roles are society’s expectations of the proper behavior, attitudes and activities of males and females. When babies are born they are either put in pink or blue, as they grow up they still maintain the same â€Å"gender† colors. As young children start to socialize, they are playing with either â€Å"girl† toys or â€Å"boy† toys. When they get older theyShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Sensory Processing Disorder On Development And Development1500 Words   |  6 Pagesdivided into eight different developmental periods. This essay will focus on the early childhood period that ranges from two to five or six years of age. Firstly, this essay will describe the typical developmental milestones during early childhood and how they play an important role in each developmental stage that follows. 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Introduction There are many important facts about a family’s parental sexual orientation that affect a child’s growth. One of those revolves around the gender-typed play behaviors of children in the early stages of life. One study conducted in 2012 by Goldberg A., Kashy D., and SmithRead MoreParent Keep Child s Gender Secret Essay1445 Words   |  6 Pagesdetermines one’s gender and personal lifestyle. While girls are supposed to like ballet and wear pink, boys are supposed to play with trucks and like sports. What people like and what they do is determined by their gender, but most of this assumptions are based on one’s sex. The expectations that society has of how people are supposed to dress and act could be different if their sex was not something to worry about. For instance, Jayme Poisson in her essay â€Å"Parent Keep Child’s Gender Secret† mentions

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Concept Analysis Essay - 1230 Words

Concept Analysis Assignment Grand Canyon University Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Roles and Practice NUR 502 Ms. Maria Mendez June 13, 2013 Concept Analysis Assignment Today’s nursing profession encompasses a variety of specialties and disciplines that demonstrate a wide range of phenomena. According to McEwin and Willis, in clinical practice, those phenomenon that are frequently seen aid advanced practice nurses in developing interventions and clinical protocols because they are said to be stable and reliable components of the practical nursing experience (McEwin amp; Willis, 2011, p. 47). The observed phenomena may or may not have had research studies associated with them in the past to concretely define them, and†¦show more content†¦123). There are numerous approaches of creating meaning for concepts based on literature review, academic critique, and providing precise operational definition of said concepts (McEwin amp; Willis, 2011). Walker and Avant developed the concept analysis approach selected in this article in 1983, which is a concept analysis method based upon Wilson’s method from the 1960’s (McEwin amp; W illis, 2011). Walker and Avant’s method â€Å"provides a systematic approach to analyze relatively new concepts† (Bruggemann et al., 2012, p. 124), and is comprised of three different processes: concept analysis, concept synthesis, and concept derivation (McEwin amp; Willis, 2011, p. 54). The concept analysis process is broken down into eight different steps that will allow defined terms to be presented in a common language (McEwin amp; Willis, 2011, pg. 54, para. 2). Additionally, the concept synthesis process is utilized when concepts need to be developed further and can be broken down into three subcategories: qualitative synthesis, quantitative synthesis, and literary synthesis (McEwin amp; Willis, 2011, pg. 54, para. 3). Furthermore, the concept derivation process is useful when generating innovative ways of thinking about an occurrence when few concepts are available and is comprised of a four-step design (McEwin amp; Willis, 2011, pg. 55, para. 1). As stated above, Walker and Avant’s process of concept analysis is described as an eight part process thatShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Concept Development And Concept Analysis869 Words   |  4 Pagesresearch, clarification is key when discussing concepts. â€Å"Clarifying, recognizing, and defining concepts that describe phenomena is the purpose of concept development or concept analysis† (Wills McEwen, 2011). Without this clarification, information on concepts become broad, ambiguous, and hard to appreciate. The concept this author chose is from Jean Watson’s Theory of Caring. The concept is caring. First, a literature review of the caring concept will be done. 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It can be theoretical or non theoretical like hope, love and desire or body temperature, pain (McEwen Willis, 2011) the words like grief, empathy, power, job satisfaction or a phrase like health promoting behaviors or maternal attachment. Concept analysis mentions to the laborious process of bringing clarity to the definition ofRead MoreNurse Mentoring Concept Analysis Response996 Words   |  4 PagesNurse Mentoring Concept Analysis Response Introduction According to McEwen and Wills, concepts in the nursing profession are words that describe a variable of nursing practice (2014, pg. 50). Concepts, once defined, are used in research to test hypotheses that will increase knowledge and theory development. However, concept definitions change with time and context. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly and succinctly define concepts within an analysis for a meaningful application. Mentoring inRead MoreResearch Paper: Content Analysis of Nine Creative Concepts Found in Magazine Advertisements.1392 Words   |  6 Pages1 MAIN ISSUE This research is a quantitative, cross-sectional, exploratory and descriptive content analysis of selected advertisements from two different magazines published in August 2012 using the nine different creative concepts as main emphasis. 2 RESEARCH CRITERIA The main research problem deals with the use of creative concepts in advertisements which is a mass media issue and therefore contributes to the existing knowledge in communication studies. The issue is also of interestRead MoreThe Concepts Of Big Data Analysis Essay1205 Words   |  5 PagesAbstract—The important goal of this paper is to provide an overview on the concepts of big data analysis. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Perfect Breakfast Free Essays

The Perfect Breakfast Nowadays people don’t give making breakfast at home a second thought. With places like McDonalds and Burger King how could you think about cooking? These fast food restaurants have made many people lazy when it comes to cooking. Eating artificial eggs and meat, that’s not real food, that’s a waste of money. We will write a custom essay sample on The Perfect Breakfast or any similar topic only for you Order Now As a passionate breakfast eater, were going to tell you confused and deceived people how to prepare your breakfast at home. The ingredients you are going to need are†¦. Turkey Bacon, water, butter, pancake mix, eggs, bread. The utensils you’re going to need are a toaster, a pan, a baking pan, spatula and a skillet. The first thing you’re going to do is prepare the turkey bacon. You’re going to preheat your oven at 350. Next place some wax paper in the flat pan, and then place the strips of bacon on the wax paper. Put the bacon in the oven for about 10 minutes or less. After the bacon is finished take it out the oven. The next thing is preparing the pancakes. To prepare the cakes you’re going to need butter, water, pan, a spatula, and the pancake mix. The first step to making pancakes is preheating the pan place a small amount of butter in the pan. The butter gives the pancakes flavor and stops them from sticking to the pan. Next mix about a half cup of water with your pancake mix and after the butter has melted some, pour small amounts of the mix in the pan. Flip the cakes over about every minute or until you see bubbles forming on the top. When this process is complete, take them out of the pan and place them on a plate. Stack them to the perfect height, and prepare to go to pancake heaven! Next are the eggs and there’s two ways you can cook your eggs, Sunnyside up, or scrambled. To prepare the eggs you’re going to need cooking oil, about four eggs, a skillet and a spatula. The first thing you do is preheat your skillet and put ? tablespoon of the cooking oil into the pan. Then you check your eggs and put them in a bowl and beat them until, you feel satisfied. After the skillet is ready you pour the eggs into the skillet and fry them until they are a bright yellow color, or to your satisfaction. Last, but not least is the toast. Preparing toast is quiet simple. You will need a toaster oven, bread in the toaster, press the level, let the bread brown, or until you are satisfied. After the toast is toasted apply small amounts of butter or as much as you feel is needed. Then pour up a cold refreshing glass of VA orange juice. After all that, your perfect breakfast is done and now it’s time to eat! How to cite The Perfect Breakfast, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards System

Question: Discuss about the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards System. Answer: Introduction The establishment of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality Health Care (ACSQHC) was a noble idea in the country. Since then, the commission has been helping in promoting the standards of services in the Australias healthcare sector (Johnson Cowin, 2013). The consistencies in the enforcement of ACSQHC stands should be celebrated because it has successfully safeguarded the welfare of the healthcare users. One of these policy standards is the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS Standards) (Coleman, Redley, Wood, Bucknall Botti, 2015). The standards have helped in the improvement of quality of services provided to the public. It has set up standards to be complied with when conducting important activities such as clinical handover. This paper presents an integrated review of the literature published on clinical handover in Australia (Bradley Mott, 2014). Problem Identification The question to be addressed during the review is: What is the significance of clinical bedside handover in the delivery of holistic and satisfactory healthcare services to a patient? The rationale of the topic is that clinical bedside handover is a crucial stage in the provision of healthcare services. Clinical handover is the transfer of a professional responsibility for a patient from one healthcare provider to the other. It can be done verbally, written, temporarily or permanently. There are different types of clinical handover. These are nurse to nurse handover; nurse to physician handover; GP to registrar handover; ICU to ward handover. Clinical bedside handover is a necessary practice because it is done to nearly all the patients. Whenever a patient is admitted to the healthcare facility, they are assigned their own nurse (Coleman, Redley, Wood, Bucknall Botti, 2015). However, it is not practically possible for only one nurse to serve a patient right from the beginning up to the end. An in-patient, for instance, requires a temporary or permanent handover. Whereas temporary handover is done when the nurses are changing shifts, permanent handover happens during a temporary or permanent transfer of responsibility to a new practitioner to continue with it until the patient is discharged. The integrated review will be done on different publications. It will adopt a PICO framework. PICO simply denotes the population, intervention, comparison, and Outcome. Each of these components will be incorporated into the review. The target population will mainly be drawn from the adult population in Australia. The intervention to be adopted is holistic care. This implies to a multifaceted kind of care that addresses all the needs of the patient. When it comes to the comparison, the review will have to involve different articles that will be critiqued and compared to determine how the standards have helped in clinical handover. Finally, the outcome of the review will be to provide a solution to the inefficiencies in clinical bedside handover (Bradley Mott, 2014). The information from the review will be relied upon to improve the quality of clinical handover and facilitate the delivery of holistic services to the patients. Literature Search The literature review will be conducted by following a well-outlined procedure. After identification of the topic and review questions, the next thing to do will be to identify the keywords to use when searching for the articles. A proper choice of the search words will help in ensuring that the most relevant and useful articles are selected. Given that the search topic is the role of health standards and clinical handover in improving patient outcome, it will use the following key words: bedside clinical handover, handover, clinical handover, bedside handover and quality care, clinical handover quality care, handover quality care, and quality care. Out of all these search words, clinical bedside handover will be used as the main key words that will be relied upon to narrow down the search to specific literature (Tobiano, Chaboyer McMurray, 2013). The identification of the key words will be followed by the selection of the databases. Bedside clinical handover is a nursing concept on which several publications have been made. Several researchers have conducted studies clinical handover because it is an activity that has contributions to make in healthcare. However, this review will have to be carried out because it will help in providing information to fill the missing gap in knowledge. The following databases will be considered for usage: PubMed, ProQuest, MEDLINE, PsyINFO, MEDLINEPlus, PAIS Index, PopLine, and EMBASE. However, not all these databases will be utilized in the search. The databases will be narrowed down to just five: PubMed, ProQuest, MEDLINE, PsyINFO, MEDLINEPlus. These are the most preferred databases because they contain the most needed information. They have a pool of relevant and up-dated information that will be relied on in the review. Once the databases have been selected, the next thing to do is to come up with an inclusion and exclusion criteria to follow when selecting the articles. For an article to be included, it has to meet a number of qualifications. First, the article should have been written between 2011 and 2017. It is necessary to do so because the study will only incorporate articles with current information that will be relied upon during the review. This implies that any article that was published before 2011 will have to be excluded because they do not fit. All the articles published before 2011 are old and do not have updated information that is needed (Elwyn, Dehlendorf, Epstein, Marrin, White Frosch, 2014). The second criterion to use in the inclusion and exclusion of the articles is that the articles are discussing about clinical handover in Australia. Any article that does not talk about clinical handover in Australia will have to be excluded from the list of resources to be used in the search. Lastly, the resources to be included in the search are journal articles. The journal article to be included must be peer-reviewed. Meaning, it must be an article written and reviewed by a team of professionals who have credibility and authority because of the reputation they have (Mardis, et al., 2016). The inclusion of peer-reviewed journals implies that non-journals will be excluded in the search. Any article that is not peer-reviewed will therefore have to be excluded because it does not meet the criteria (Elwyn, Dehlendorf, Epstein, Marrin, White Frosch, 2014). If all these criteria are abide by, the search will end up getting a few journal articles that are the most appropriate for usage in the review. Data Evaluation The review with use the above cited criteria to arrive at five articles. These are A quantitative Nursing bedside clinical handoveran integrated review of issues and tools, Bedside Adopting a patient?centred approach: an investigation into the introduction of bedside handover to three rural hospitals, Interprofessional interactions influence nurses' adoption of handover improvement, Nurses discuss bedside handover and using written handover sheets, and Attitudes of emergency department patients about handover at the bedside. A thorough evaluation of these articles demonstrates that they are indeed invaluable because they contain the information that that is required in the study (Osborn, Moulds, Squires, Doty Anderson, 2014). As explained in Attitudes of emergency department patients about handover at the bedside, clinical bedside handover is very important because it plays a significant role in determining the satisfaction of the patient. The way in which clinical handover is done can help in influencing the recovery process. When it is done in accordance with the standards, the healthcare provider should apply the most suitable strategies. First, the healthcare providers should directly involve the patient in the handover process. Bedside Adopting a patient?centred approach: an investigation into the introduction of bedside handover to three rural hospitals, established that the handover should be done by involving the management because it should be done in a transparent manner. The healthcare provider is supposed to be a good communicator (Johnson Cowin, 2013). A proper communication can help in providing a smooth handover that is safe to the client at all times. These are the issues that will be add ressed in the review. A quantitative Nursing bedside clinical handoveran integrated review of issues and tools, explains a lot of issues on bedside handover because it provide exhaustive information on the positive contributions of clinical bedside handover in the delivery of high quality medical services to the patients. The two papers make a similar conclusion that bedside handover is an important activity that should be encouraged in nursing. Similar sentiments are echoed in Interprofessional interactions influence nurses' adoption of handover improvement, Nurses discuss bedside handover and using written handover sheets, in which the researchers established that the practice of patient handover is appreciated by the healthcare providers and patients. Interprofessional interactions influence nurses' adoption of handover improvement, found that clinical handover should adopt a multidisciplinary approach because it can be effective if done in a collaborative manner. Presentation Author Name(s) Article Title Journal Article Keywords Database Date Accessed 1. Sand-Jecklin, K., Sherman, J. A quantitative assessment of patient and nurse outcomes of bedside nursing report Journal of Clinical Nursing Bedside, handover ProQuest 12/3/2017 2. Lu, S., Kerr, D., McKinlay, L. Bedside nursing handover: Patient opinions International Journal of Nursing Practice Bedside, handover, patient PubMed 13/3/2017 3. Kerr, D., Lu, S., McKinlay, L. Towards patient-centred care: Perspectives of nurses and midwives regarding shift to shift bedside handover International Journal of Nursing Practice Bedside, handover MEDLINE 14/3/2017 4. Lee, H., Cumin, D., Devcich, D., Boyd, M. Expressing concern and writing it down: an experimental study investigating transfer of information at nursing handover Journal of Advanced Nursing Handover nursing PsyINFO 15/3/2017 5. Johnson, M., Sanchez, P., Zheng, C. The impact of an integrated nursing handover system on nurses' satisfaction and work practices Journal of Clinical Nursing Handover, nursing MEDLINEPlus 15/3/2017 Data Analysis The major finding in A quantitative Nursing bedside clinical handoveran integrated review of issues and tools, is that bedside handover is effective in the delivery of quality healthcare services to the patient. Therefore, it should be incorporated in the service-delivery whenever it is necessary to do so (Kerr, Lu McKinlay, 2014). Bedside Adopting a patient?centred approach: an investigation into the introduction of bedside handover to three rural hospitals, found out that the patients have a positive attitude towards bedside handover. However, the satisfaction of the patients depends on the strategies used by the healthcare providers during the process of temporary or permanent handover (Kerr, McKay, Klim, Kelly McCann, 2014). The research found out that patients have different views on bedside handover. Whereas some patients believe that it is better to be served by one nurse, others hold the view that the quality of their life can be improved if they are served by different nur ses. Attitudes of emergency department patients about handover at the bedside established that bedside handover is a key component of patient-centered care. Bedside handover has been perceived so differently by the patients, mid-wives, and nurses across the country (Anderson, Malone, Shanahan Manning, 2015). In Nurses discuss bedside handover and using written handover sheets, the major finding is that the process of patient handover requires a proper management. One of the most important activities to undertake is documentation. Last, but not least, Interprofessional interactions influence nurses' adoption of handover improvement, found out that the transfer of responsibility from one nurse to the other does not only involve the patient, but the records as well (Rathert, Wyrwich Boren, 2013). A proper update and transfer of documents during handover can help in guaranteeing high quality services to the patients. Conclusion Clinical bedside handover is an activity that should be done by using the most appropriate strategies. A successful bedside handover can help in improving the quality of healthcare services rendered to the patients. A strict adherence to the review criteria enabled the researcher to use PubMed, ProQuest, MEDLINE, PsyINFO, MEDLINEPlus to get and use the four articles. These are valuable resources that contain current and updated information on clinical bedside handover. The use of these articles will help in providing information necessary in the provision of patient-centered care to the satisfaction of the patients diverse needs. Each of them has relevant information whose usage can help in providing deeper knowledge on the topic. References Anderson, J., Malone, L., Shanahan, K., Manning, J. (2015). Nursing bedside clinical handoveran integrated review of issues and tools. Journal of clinical nursing, 24(5-6), 662-671. Bradley, S., Mott, S. (2014). Adopting a patient?centred approach: an investigation into the introduction of bedside handover to three rural hospitals. Journal of clinical nursing, 23(13-14), 1927-1936. Coleman, K., Redley, B., Wood, B., Bucknall, T., Botti, M. (2015). Interprofessional interactions influence nurses' adoption of handover improvement. ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, 28(1), 10. Elwyn, G., Dehlendorf, C., Epstein, R. M., Marrin, K., White, J., Frosch, D. L. (2014). Shared decision making and motivational interviewing: achieving patient-centered care across the spectrum of health care problems. The Annals of Family Medicine, 12(3), 270-275. Johnson, M., Cowin, L. S. (2013). Nurses discuss bedside handover and using written handover sheets. Journal of nursing management, 21(1), 121-129. Kerr, D., McKay, K., Klim, S., Kelly, A. M., McCann, T. (2014). Attitudes of emergency department patients about handover at the bedside. Journal of clinical nursing, 23(11-12), 1685-1693. Kerr, D., Lu, S., McKinlay, L. (2014). Towards patient?centred care: Perspectives of nurses and midwives regarding shift?to?shift bedside handover. International journal of nursing practice, 20(3), 250-257. Mardis, T., et al., (2016). Bedside shift-to-shift handoffs: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of nursing care quality, 31(1), 54-60. Osborn, R., Moulds, D., Squires, D., Doty, M. M., Anderson, C. (2014). International survey of older adults finds shortcomings in access, coordination, and patient-centered care. Health Affairs, 33(12), 2247-2255. Rathert, C., Wyrwich, M. D., Boren, S. A. (2013). Patient-centered care and outcomes: a systematic review of the literature. Medical Care Research and Review, 70(4), 351-379. Tobiano, G., Chaboyer, W., McMurray, A. (2013). Family members perceptions of the nursing bedside handover. Journal of clinical nursing, 22(1-2), 192-200.